Word of the Day
Word of the Day provided by TheFreeDictionary.com
Article of the Day
Article of the Day provided by TheFreeDictionary.com
Daily Grammar Lesson
Daily Grammar Lesson provided by TheFreeDictionary.com
Quote of the Day
Trust thyself: every heart vibrates to that iron string. Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) |
Quote of the Day provided by The Free Library
Word Trivia
Today's topic: wonderadmire - Can mean "to wonder at, to be slightly surprised." More... marvel - Traces to Latin mirabilia, from mirari, "wonder at." More... nine days' wonder - An old term (c. 1325) for an event or phenomenon that attracts enthusiastic interest for a short while, but is then ignored or forgotten. More... Wonder Bread - Got its name from a vice president who watched a hot-air balloon race shortly before the bread needed a name—"wonder" is how he described the event and then the bread. More... |
Word Trivia provided by FreeThesaurus.com
Match Up
Match Up provided by FreeThesaurus.com
Mismatch provided by FreeThesaurus.com