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This is the place to find quick access to areas of the website that are frequently viewed. If you would like a new topic listed please contact us via the "Contact Us" menu and we will add the item to the list. Check back for frequent updates.

Click on any of the BLUE links below to go to that topic


01).  new   Help Me Page: http://www.boxelder63.com/Help-Me.htm

02).  All Classmates: http://www.boxelder63.com/class_classmates.cfm

03).  popular  55 Year Reunion PICs: http://www.boxelder63.com/--55th-Pictures---Video.htm

04).  50 Year Reunion PICs: http://www.boxelder63.com/50th-PICs.htm

05).  Group PICs from all Reunions: http://www.boxelder63.com/Prior-Reunions.htm

06).  Deceased Classmates: http://www.boxelder63.com/class_inmemory.cfm

07).  What's Up? (Sign in required): http://www.boxelder63.com/class_whats_new.cfm

08).  E-Card Software access: https://form.jotform.com/212606638774059

09).  Historical PICs of School: http://www.boxelder63.com/OldNewSchools.htm

10).  School History: https://www.behs63.com/high-school-history

11).  Brigham City History (lots of new info): https://www.behs63.com/bc-history

12).  Old PICs of Brigham City: http://www.boxelder63.com/Old-City.htm

13).  new  Daily Trivia and News (changes daily): http://www.boxelder63.com/Trivia.htm

14).  new  Memory Evaluation Quiz (changes often): http://www.boxelder63.com/Test-Area-7.htm

15).  new  Name that Classmate Quiz: https://www.tryinteract.com/share/quiz/5af1b1fdf6b1800014b6dcfc

16).  Class Individual Mug Shots (Sign in required): http://www.boxelder63.com/Test-13.htm

17).  Yearbooks: Go to the 3 bar menu  in the upper R/H corner for flip books from 7th grade to 12th grade

OR https://super6abq.wixsite.com/myride/12th-grade-1963

18).  Where We Live: http://www.boxelder63.com/Where-we-live.htm

19).  2021 Super Bowl Contest Winners: https://www.behs63.com/superbowl2021

20).  Songs from the 1960s (playlist): https://www.behs63.com/playlist

21).  Classmate Contact Information (Sign in required): http://www.boxelder63.com/Contact.htm

22).  Admin Forums: https: https://www.boxelder63.com/class_admin_forums.cfm